Workshop by Paolo Nani

March 16 at 14.00, VEF Culture palace

Applying till March 12 by writing to

Members of “ASSITEJ” – free of charge
Others – EUR 15.00


The working process is structured in two focal parts:
1st PART – KNOWING THE RULES OF THE GAME A first, fundamental part that focus on the study of the principles, which, if properly implemented, will allow a scene to work well. That means: a) The Dramaturgical Game (or the drive of an act) – Why does a scene work and another one does not?
b) The Timing (or Rhythm) – Study of the tools that help one control the rhythm of the performance and maintaining a vibrant contact with the audience.
c) The Style (or the genre or mix of genres) – Learning to identify genres and blend different ones on stage.
– Understanding the composition of a style and reproducing it.
– Apply the “Creative stealing” of a scene, reproducing its atmosphere, having identified and “cracked” the composition of it.
– Watching different video clips aiming to identify their style: from Pina Bausch to Ice Age, from Shakespeare to Shrek.
– New genres are created, by blending the existing ones.
2 PART – THE CREATIVE PROCESS – from the idea to the performance in the second part, Paolo Nani works as creative assistant, providing his expertise to the creation of individual scenes, group scenes, etc.
– The scenes can be proposed by anyone and will be discussed and elaborated together with Paolo. They can be ideas that are taken from home or ideas born during the workshop.
– The goal is to train the ability to build situations that have a clear dramaturgy and style, as well as a precise timing, that is consistent with the chosen style. The point of departure might be a photo, a story, a video, an original idea, a scenic image, a character, etc.